Chronic Migraine Relief is Possible. I’m here to help.

You deserve to be present in your life and live pain-free. You may be a candidate for migraine surgery. This website is designed for you to learn about your options.

Woman sitting on a couch holding her head with a migraine


More on Migraines

What is migraine surgery?

If you feel you have exhausted all possible treatments, you may wish to consult your doctor about migraine surgery so that you can return to a life of quality. Migraines can be associated with compression and irritation of sensory nerves and vessels in your face and head. The goal of migraine surgery is to reduce or eliminate migraine frequency, duration and pain by releasing these compression points.

How does it work?

Migraine surgery is custom tailored to your specific triggers and is designed to permanently eliminate specific nerve irritation. For most patients, it noticeably reduces the duration, intensity, and frequency of migraines.

Are there less invasive treatments?

Migraines may lessen with drinking plenty of fluids, using cold compresses on the forehead or resting with eyes closed in a dark, quiet room. Additional treatment options may include trying biofeedback; cognitive behavioral therapy; supplements such as vitamins, minerals, and herbs; and physical therapy such as massage, acupuncture, chiropractic or craniosacral. In many cases, these methods can prove to be successful. Medical management is always first line of treatment for migraine headache. You should only consider surgery if all else has failed.

Woman sitting on a bed looking down while holding head in pain

Am I a candidate for migraine surgery?

Submit the below questionnaire before your in-person visit so the doctor can provide you with the best possible option for you.

Ready to speak to a doctor for next steps or have additional questions? Let’s talk!


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